by Mary Morel | Apr 7, 2015 | Blog
By Mary Morel | 7 April 2015 Directors like clear titles to board papers because they want to know what the paper is about before they start reading. And the title of a paper must be identical in the agenda. When the title in the agenda is different, directors are...
by Mary Morel | Oct 9, 2013 | Blog
By Mary Morel | 9 October 2013 Most executives and directors involved in board room reporting understand, in theory, the difference between governance and operations. The question is how to manage the blur that inevitably creeps in when executives provide too much...
by Mary Morel | Jul 14, 2013 | Blog
By Mary Morel | 14 July 2013 When reading board papers, I see verbs used with and without an ‘s’ in recommendations. It is recommended that the Board approves the policy. It is recommended that the Board approve the policy. Which is your preference and why? You can...
by Mary Morel | Sep 25, 2012 | Blog
By Mary Morel | 25 September 2012 When writing for tablets, all the qualities of good writing apply, but they are intensified and layout becomes more important. Headings act as signposts Headings and subheadings break up the text and provide signposts for the paper. A...
by Mary Morel | Jun 26, 2012 | Blog
By Mary Morel | 26 June 2012 Why aren’t companies using the full capabilities of the online medium for board papers? Most companies I know who are using iPads or laptops in the boardroom are still sticking to text. They have taken the same board paper format as in the...